Sherlock Holmes - Zombies - What More Do You Need? It's Victorian Undead!

Yes, the title of the comic is Victorian Undead. That's what it promises and that's what you get. I picked up issue 4 then scrambled to find 1-3. The art is super and the story ain't that bad either. Holmes and Watson behave pretty true to character. I admit seeing a very human like automaton threw me a bit in issue one, but by the time armor clad, vulcan machine gun toting soldiers were bursting in to slaughter oodles of zombies, I really didn't mind so much. The comic also has Sherlock's brother Mycroft in an intriguing role, and there's government conspiracy. And you can probably guess who's invovled with the zombie incursion. No, it's not as pschologically jarring as Kirkman's grim and gritty Walking Dead, nor is it a Romero-esque metaphor. Sometimes a zombie is just a zombie and it takes somebody like Sherlock Holmes to get the job done. Victorian Undead (published by Wildstorm) is a wild and wonderful romp through the gaslit streets of London.