Quite Quotable

Life isn't about fair.
Michael A. Stackpole, The Dark Glory War
Life isn't about fair.
Michael A. Stackpole, The Dark Glory War
Michael A. Stackpole is a great guy. I’ve had the pleasure of running into him a few times at conventions. My fondest memory is an interview he did for me at DragonCon several years back. When my friend Craig and I asked him in the lobby of the Hyatt if he’d have any time during the con for a few questions for my fanzine and Craig’s website, he just said sure and did it right there. I was only familiar with his Battletech and Star Wars books initially, but after talking with him, I dove into the Dragoncrown War, which he was just finishing up at the time. He has another excellent non-franchise series called Age of Discovery and is working on a new one.
What distinguished his franchise books from all the others – well, what makes all of his works memorable really – are his characters. He has a knack for making complicated, flawed, believable characters. Yes, they may fly X-wings or operate battle mech, they are never so different from me or you. As a result, of course, his stories never follow simple A to B to C plots. It's no wonder he’s hit the New York Time Best Sellers list, and it’s no wonder that anyone interested in writing or making it in the writing market should listen to what he has to say.
For several years, Mr. Stackpole has been telling all in his newsletter, the Secrets. Just go to his store at www.stormwolf.com. For $25.00, you get inside information on publishing, ebook publishing, and the craft of writing. He offers collections of back issues, too, so you can catch up on anything you’ve missed. Some of these are organized by themes like plotting, world building, and characterization. You can also purchase packets of lessons he has used in writing workshops. All of the information is easy to follow and, most importantly, practical. Will you make a sell right away? Who can say? Probably not, though. Stackpole stresses the fact that writing and being published is a craft. The Secrets offers help and insight into the craft just like a book about carpentry might offers suggestions and building plans. The real work is left to the builder who must hone his skills. That takes practice and patience. Only you can give yourself that.
Anyone who aspires to make it in writing needs to check out The Secrets. No, you don’t have to be a fan of Stackpole’s work, just a fan of good writing.