Our Top 5 Reasons to Buy/Not Buy the iPad

We have a number of Apple users here at Nerdbloggers, so we certainly aren't "haters" as Apple fans are calling the many naysayers. We are pretty much in agreement that the iPad is gorgeous and will be great for a number of uses. Still, there are lot of issues that might make us wait for the inevitable improvements coming in iPad 2.0. Here is a short list of what we liked and what gave us pause in yesterday's roll out.
Top Five Reasons iPad is a Must Buy
Access to the best (and worst) apps and games on the App Store. We admit to being App Store junkies. It is simply too easy and too cheap to pick up a cool little gadget or game to pass the time. Personally, I'm looking forward to playing Firemint's Flight Control on that big screen.
iBooks + Kindle. In case you haven't noticed, we are big readers here at Nerdbloggers. I use the Kindle app on my iPod Touch as my main e-reader. Having that app plus Apples own iBooks on a comparatively giant screen is very appealing to me. And the competition with Kindle for the book reading audience will likely mean cheaper and cheaper e-books, which is good for everyone.
It is damn sexy. Apple's main skill as a company (other than selling snake oil) is making sexy hardware. The iPad doesn't disappoint.
It's a big, beautiful World Wide Web. Hey, we spend a lot of time on the Net. I have no trouble using my iPod or netbook for the task, but the iPad, with its multi-touch screen and nearly instantaneous start up looks to be an upgrade over both of those options.
Iwork. If I'm going to replace my netbook with a tablet, I'm going to have to do some work on it. The fact that Apple is bringing its office suite to the device means I will be able to do just that.
Top Five Reasons the iPad is a must Avoid
A closed development environment. The app store is great, but getting an app or game in there means getting Apple's approval and, Kindle app aside, they are resistant to apps that muscle in on their territory—like Google voice app. That's understandable, but the fact is a netbook can run any app anyone makes for it, and no one likes having less choices.
Reading on a backlit LCD screen causes eye strain in many users. The iPad is competing with various e-ink readers and e-ink is vastly better for reading anything for a long time.
That bezel is huge. I know you have to have someplace to hold to avoid the multi-touch screen, but that bezel makes the device look a lot like a digital photo frame. We depend on Apple to find sexy solutions to technical problems—that bezel isn't one.
No Flash support. That is nearly a deal-breaker all by itself. Surfing the web without Flash is annoying. I put up with it on the iPod, but I don't know if I will on a $500 full-sized tablet. And anyone who tells you the lack a Flash is because of battery life is an Apple zombie and an idiot. The device doesn't support Flash because Apple want to sell us apps/games and control the content available on the device. End of story.
On-screen keyboards suck. My 10-month old ripped the “k” key off my laptop this morning, making it very difficult to type a “k” in the flow of typing. I'd rather type on a real keyboard with half the keys missing than try to type an article using an on-screen keyboard. They are okay for shooting off a tweet or a quick e-mail, but they are a pain in the butt for real work.
There you have it. That is what is on our minds after a quick look at the device. Certainly more details will be released up until the launch and I'll make my decision then. Right now, I'm leaning toward not buying it upon release, but two other of the Nerds are leaning the other way. Time will tell.