Let the Southern Fandom Resource Guide Save You a Headache

If you’re like me, keeping up with all the conventions you’d like to go to can prove to be quite a bother. I go to one big con a year – DragonCon in Atlanta – but I also enjoy going to some of the smaller ones that pop up throughout the year. Seems like unless you know one by name, it can be a chore tracking those smaller ones down online. In the past, I’ve stumbled across a few by accident, but that only happens a little more frequently than winning the lottery. Luckily, everything changed when I found The Southern Fandom Resource Guide.
The SFRG offers a comprehensive listing of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Gaming, Comics, Anime and Pop Culture conventions across the southeast portion of the US, roughly from the Maryland/DC area down to portions of Texas. Each con is listed by date and has a link to the con’s website. The homepage presents a list of the newly listed ones, as well as those upcoming.
The page was created by Kelly Lockhart, who continues to edit and update it on a weekly basis. Be sure to check out the Facebook page, too.
The Southern Fandom Resource Guide is an informative, time-saver, and well worth a visit.