Borderlands Re-print Coming from Fantasy Flight...

...and I could not be more excited.
I know I'm about two-weeks late with this news, but I just stumbled on the press release announcing Gearworld, Fantasy Flight's re-theming of the Eon classic Borderlands. Cosmic Encounter is much more popular, but I have always considered Borderlands to be the most intriguing of the Eon games. There was a time when it was at the top of my best games list on [just looked, still rate it a 10]. The only reason it fell was lack of opportunities to get it played. While I was on BGG looking for my rating, I noted that I only recorded one play of this since BGG implemented the feature [sad face]. Like all Eon games, the components were not up to modern Euro standards (obviously, since they are decades old) and my game groups recoiled at the wargame-like look. The small sub-group of my larger game night crew that would play the game all loved it. I don't, however, think the re-release will have the same love-it-or-hate-it trait since the components will be Fantasy-Flight-beautiful. Hopefully, this will bring a bunch of new gamers to this great game. Fingers crossed that the reprint will stay true to the spirit of the original and not mess too much with the rules. Borderlands was ahead of its time when it was released and, though the combat-system has been lifted (though simplified) for Vinci and Small World, the game should still seem fresh for gamers new to its intricacies. Expect a review as soon as I can get my grubby hands on the game.
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