Hurrah! for a smooth launch (PS4)

Just wanted to add my voice to the "no PS4 launch day issues" list. I got my console home about 2 a.m. last night. The update downloaded and installed in less than ten minutes. I downloaded Need for Speed Rivals, Blacklight, Resogun, and Contrast, played all of them a bit, streamed a little Resogun to the Nerdbloggerdan Twitch page, watch a ton of people play games on Ustream an Twitch--all without any issues other than a brief (roughly ten minute) PSN outage which occured at some point and paused my downloads. After it was back up, the download resumed and everything worked great.
I'll write more on the system later, but here are my first impressions in pro/con form:
Things that make me happy:
- Being able to instantly suspend a game, open the browser, watch some Netflix, etc. and then instantly pop back into the game is amazing. Glad to see both next-gen consoles got multitasking right.
- Streaming and otherwise sharing content works exactly as advertised. I spent a good deal of last night watching and listening to people play games as I tried to decide what games I wanted to download fist.
- Digital downloads. Thank God that I can finally assume that any game for the system will be available for download. No more retail stores for me--which is great considering I live in the middle of nowhere with only the evil Walmart coorporation to buy games from.
- Both free games--Resogun and Contrast--are very cool (especially Resogun). Nice to see PS+ get off to a good start on the PS4
- Holy crap, the console looks great with its slick design and awesome use of ambient lighting.
- The new PS4 controller is one of the best I've ever used and might actually be the best, though it will take time and a bunch of different game genre experience to be sure.
- Party chat, finally.
Thinks that give me the feels:
- My cable Internet connection is simply not fast enough to stream properly. I'll need to boost my upload speeds soon if I want to get in on the action.
- I'd like to be able to upload saved videos directly to my Youtube channel. That feature needs to be there sooner, not later. Who wants to share videos on Facebook? (The answer is problably a lot of people, but not me).
- Since most of my friends of old were Xbox gamers, my friends list is too short to make good use of leaderboard features (add me, please: I'm Armchairdan)
That's it so far. After suffering through the Sim City and Diablo III disasters last year, I was nervous about buying a console at launch and hoping to play games online. I couldn't be happier with how smooth things went. Here's hoping the Xbone launch goes just as well.
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