Frank Frazetta Has Passed

Frank Frazetta has passed away, possibly from complications from a stroke. He was 82 years old. Frazetta is perhaps the most famous and successful fantasy artist of all time. His work graced the covers of hundreds of books and magazines over the years. He is also considered the most influential artist in the genre with dozens of name artists pointing to him as their early inspiration. I'm sure we will begin to hear from them soon, and I'll post their comments as an expansion to this article when they start to come in. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Frazetta's family. Please leave comments below on your own experience with Frazetta's work. We look forward to hearing from you.
While we are waiting, I missed this one when it came over the wire. We had written a bit about the dispute over rights to Frazetta's paintings earlier this year. Turns out the dispute has been amicably solved. Here is the Associated Press story on the settlement:

Reader Comments (1)
This is a sad day. We all know, as we grow older, that the heroes of our childhood must pass, yet it's always a shock when one does.
Frazetta's art caught my eye when I first saw it on the covers of heroic fantasy novels 30+ years ago. It was powerful stuff. Over the years, I've seen many artists attempt to capture that same fire, but no one could reproduce the raw ferocity and sensuality that flowed from Frazetta's brush. He was a master of his art.
I mourn that his works are through and that I never met the man. But I'm glad that my lifetime coincided with his these 44 years.
Sincerest condolances to his family and friends.