Spiel des Jahres nominees announced
Monday, May 31, 2010 at 11:18PM

The Spiel des Jahres nominees were announced today. The Spiel des Jahres, for those that don't know, is the German game of the year and is the biggest award given in the board game industry. Generally the winner is a family oriented game and is a little on the lighter side and this years nominees are no different. One thing that doesn't happen often is two of the five games on the list are party games and one other the other games is a simple dexterity game, A la Carte.
A la Carte, by Karl-Heinz Schmiel (Moskito/Heidelberger)
Dixit, by Jean-Louis Roubira (Libellud)
Fresko, by Marco Ruskowski and Marcel Süßelbeck (Queen Games)
Identik, by William P. Jacobson and Amanda A. Kohout (Asmodee)
Roll Through the Ages, by FRED Distribution, by Matt Leacock (Pegasus Spiele)
Article originally appeared on All Things Nerdy (http://www.nerdbloggers.com/).
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